Friday, May 6, 2011

Back to the Books!

I'm working on a form on the Contact Us page and I've discovered I have some material I need to learn first, such as some PHP. So I'm diving into my HeadFirst Labs library (which, in my personal opinion, are some of the best books out there for learning 'how-to' for the web) and dusting off the "PHP&MySQL" book, as well as the "Web Design" book. I'll be focusing mainly on PHP for the next few weeks and playing around, I mean, testing the new information in my Alpha Testing site on my computer.
While that's going on, you should see a new header go up. Whether it's the FINAL header still remains to be seen; I know I have a lot to learn yet before I can say something is good or not. I only know that it will be BETTER.
So, a new header, a Contact Us form, some booklearnin', and then, finally, some first draft Product pages. These are the things you can be expecting to see within the next couple of weeks.
I can't wait and I know you can't either!!!